Eco Pledge

Ecotourism is FUN!!!

Here are some points to help on our educational journey. Remember, as responsible travelers, agents, operators, promoters or policymakers, we can have and provide fun while helping to conserve and protect our fragile ecosystems, endangered species, indigenous peoples, and beautiful natural environment.


Examples of the length of time litter last:

  • Orange and banana peel                          up to 2 years
  • Cigarette butts                                           1-5 years
  • Wool socks                                                 1-5 years
  • Plastic-coated paper                                15 years
  • Nylon fabric                                               30-40 years
  • Leather up to                                             50 years
  • Tin cans                                                       50 years
  • Aluminum cans and tabs                        80-100 years
  • Plastic bags & Plastic film containers  80-100 years
  • Glass bottles                                              1 million years
  • Plastic bottles indefinitely
  • Forest Fires

Forest fires, starting from visitors’ campfires and carelessly tossed cigarette buttscause extensive damage. Some trees are killed by very hot fires, and the replacement of mature trees may take hundreds of years.

In many areas, firewood is often in short supply. Many small native animals live among fallen branches. In alpine areas where the growing season is short, such habitats are replaced very slowly.

Always try to use a fuel stove when camping. Compared with campfires, fuel stoves are cleaner, a lot easier to use in wet weather, cook faster, and don’t scar the landscape. Ensure that your party members have warm clothing and good tents so fires won’t be needed for warmth.